Diabetic Treatment & Management
in Bullhead City & Kingman, AZ
Helping diabetic patients manage and protect their vision.
What is Diabetic Eye Care?
All of our providers here at Mohave Eye Center are well versed in the connection between diabetes and your vision health. We have deep knowledge of how your blood sugar levels impact your eyes, and this understanding forms the core of our diabetic eye care. During your exam, we’ll check for the early signs of diabetic eye diseases, like diabetic retinopathy, and set you up with annual diabetic eye exams and custom management plans if we detect anything.

Diabetic Eye Exams
Our diabetic eye exams are the cornerstone of our diabetic eye care because they allow us to diagnose your condition as soon as possible and protect your vision. To prevent changes in your eyesight, we prioritize early detection of diabetic eye disease by using cutting-edge technology to look at the inner structures of your eye in depth.
We use optical coherence tomography and Optos retinal imaging to get a detailed look at your retina — a main eye structure that controls your vision that’s largely impacted by diabetic eye disease. Our optometrists also get to know your lifestyle and habits to understand how we can help you stay on top of your diabetes to keep your eyesight safe.

Diabetic Eye Disease Management
At Mohave Eye Center, we treat diabetic retinopathy and other diseases with diabetic eye exams and personalized management plans. Our doctors will learn all about you so they can make the proper recommendations to keep your blood sugar in check and sight in the clear. We’ll also communicate our findings with your primary care provider, so everyone is on the same page regarding your health. And if we think your condition warrants laser treatments or injections, we can refer you to retinal specialist we trust to take great care of you.

Trust Us for Your Diabetic Eye Disease Management
We’re proud to be your down-to-earth experts who you can rely on to answer all your questions about diabetic eye disease. We’ll keep you in the loop about what we discover in your exams and how we can work together to keep your condition under control. With our advanced technology and personalized intervention, you can rest assured you’ll receive the highest standards of care.